This morning I am thinking about how much Faith loved church. Church was her place of solace. It was her resting place, a place where fear could not reside and worries melted away, if only for a few moments.
But this verse isn’t only about the literal, physical house of God that we often call our church.
God has given us a house on this earth called a body. In this house, God’s glory dwells, too…when we allow it.
This was another of Faith’s attributes. She protected her physical body and was very aware that it was the temple of the Holy Ghost.
Many times, Faith told me when she felt she needed more of God’s protection, she’d wear her hair down. She understood the power she held with her Father because of her obedience to His word.
There have been so many times when I have failed to keep reverence to this earthly body. I have failed. Haven’t we all? But I can hear Faith’s voice, just as sure as I’m sipping my coffee this morning and pondering this Word.
Faith would likely say, “Don’t focus on your failures. Now that you know better, do different.”
So this is my mission to myself and to you. Today, let’s live mindfully that our earthly bodies are His house. We are a temple of the Holy Ghost. Let’s invite in only that which is pleasing and acceptable to Him.