I am reading in the book of Revelations this month. This is often a book of the Bible people want to avoid because it can seem scary or overwhelming. But this morning’s Word is yet another reminder to me of God’s promises.
As I read this particular verse, I thought about Faith. I thought about how hard she worked to provide for her children. She always made sure they were in church.
Faith’s life was a testimony to the goodness of God, because she lived it day in and out.
Despite every trying thing she endured, Faith stayed under the covering of the blood of the Lamb. She was never one to shy from her beliefs. And she shared them with others.
Faith shared many times with me of incidents with patients who would ask for prayer. She always found great joy in ministering to people, which (I believe) is one reason why she was so good at her job as a respiratory therapist.
Faith understood God gave her this life. So she lived it accordingly.
I also know that even though her final day ended in a horrific way, Faith did not shrink from death. She knew her Maker, and she did not love her life so much as to shrink from her early death.
Because her death on this earth was the beginning of eternal life forever more with her King Jesus.
Like Faith, we too can triumph over death, hell, and the grave. Oh what a beautiful promise and hope we have in Jesus!